0:01 – sitting at the concert venue of Pakkahuone in Tampere still amazed by yet another incredible In Flames gig when comes to my mind… Should I a) have another beer in here, b) have it somewhere else, or c) behave professionally and go to sleep.

0:10 – Real professional, I’m leaving the venue and taking a bus to my friend’s sister’s friend’s apartment. He was so nice to let me stay at his place although we’ve never met before and he was gone himself for the night. Finland is an amazing country.
0:55 – falling asleep.
5:45 – I’m getting up realizing that I’m late for the last decent train to Helsinki already so just having a quick shower and leaving the apartment asap.
6:05 – getting into a local bus. Since I spent all my change during the last night I’m paying the bus ticket with a 20e bank note, the bus driver doesn’t seem to be pleased. Seeing his face expression the “joke” in my broken Finnish that in Helsinki we simply don’t use any smaller money wasn’t appreciated either, so I’m quickly grabbing the ticket with the change and taking my seat.

6:55 – the Pendolino to Helsinki arrives. On time!!
08:35 – just got to the office starting my working day.
14:35 – ready to go home to prepare for the match night and also get some sleep due to the last night’s deficit. But few more hours at work are required.
18:35–19:15 – a quick nap in the style of my whole life ice hockey idol.
19:45 – Aarne is right on time to pick me up and after getting also Seppo in we’re heading to the Matinkylä ice hockey stadium to steal some points from there.
20:30 – receiving my very own KMPP ‘11 jersey.

21:15 – hitting the ice. Finally!!
21:21 – after an efficient warm-up consisting of some stretching, one glove shot, a stick safe and someone hitting my leg pad from the side my first match for Käpylä maanantai PP is starting! Feeling excited.
22:45 – 5:3 win!! Well played in many aspects. Just the power-plays, the power-plays… Also what a relief that my prior night fun didn’t have any significant negative impact on the match.
22:55 – giving my first interview to the official KMPP facebook webpage