Käpylä Maanantai Joins Movember – Please Make a Donation!


Käpylä Maanantai Joins Movember!

Dear Respected Fans,

Käpylä Maanantai -logo, movemberFor the first time, Käpylä Maanantai is tackling men’s health issues by joining Movember! In an effort to further diversify our team efforts and continue to sacrifice our bodies following our successful VeriRyhmä, we have chosen to support this worthy cause with our rugged facial hair.

Throughout the month of Movember, we will be exercising one of our few gifts of manhood by growing our Mustaches to raise awareness and money for prostate and testicular cancer testing, research, and treatment. We will be putting our best ball forward in this arena, resulting in a lineup of strong and proud Lip Sweaters for the coming winter. We can also guarantee a month of bliss for the lucky ladies of Käpylä Maanantai, but don’t get too used to these Lady Ticklers, they’ll be gone before you know it!

So, please support us in our team campaign as we join Mo-Bros everywhere by donating to the team or an individual player below. And remember: all Donations and Dusters are important, we can’t do it without you!

DONATE to the Team (or a Player):

Fuzzy on the details?

Ystävällisin Terveisin,
– Steve Baynes, Chief MOtivation Officer

[button link=”https://www.movember.com/fi/donate/payment/team_id/1269941″ size=”xl” style=”tick” color=”green” window=”yes”]Donate Now! [/button]

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